Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the homeless?

Today's homeless population includes a growing number of two parent families, one parent families, working people, victims of domestic violence, and many others. Over half of the homeless are women and children, this is the the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. A major illness, loss of job, domestic violence or other forces can thrust these working families into homelessness.

How does IFS carry out this mission?

The  program mobilizes existing faith community resources, eleven churches and synagogue who provide overnight lodging, and volunteers, and a Day Center. Each host site furnishes overnight accommodation and meals for three to five families, These communities provide a safe, peaceful, and welcoming atmosphere for our families in need.
While in program and beyond, IFS provides support services - assistance with locating permanent housing, financial literacy, career and educational coaching, individual and family counseling using professional volunteers, life skills workshops, healthy lifestyles, and peer counseling.

Why are volunteers important?

The volunteers are the heart and soul of IFS and without them IFS could not exist. Beyond providing meals, hosting, and staying overnight, other services to families are essential to the program. Volunteers teach money management, financial planning, employment and career advancement, responsibilities of permanent housing, and other daily life needs.

Why should my congregation get involved?

Participating in the IFS program serves the homeless, fosters interfaith cooperation within our community. Faith based congregations can embrace the work of IFS by encouraging their members to volunteer at established host sites, make financial contributions to support the operation of IFS and the current host congregations, and consider opening their facilities, only four times a year, to temporarily shelter our homeless families.

What can you do?

SHARE Your Time
Volunteer at a Host Congregation. Assist homeless families by preparing food, hosting at host sites in evenings and/or staying overnight, help children with homework.

SHARE Your Talents
Lead workshops on financial management, budgeting, nutrition, and other needed skills.

SHARE Your Treasure
Contributions to IFS help fund our programs.

SHARE Our Good Works
Like and share our social media accounts with your friends, Faith Leaders, school counselors etc.

