Collaborating Agencies
Ocean County Board of Social Services
The Ocean County Board of Social Services has helped families secure housing assistance, including rental assistance, security deposits and/or the first month’s rent. OCBSS is the primary referral source for prospective families.
NJ Department of Children and Families Child Protection and Permanency
NJ Department of Children and Families Child Protection and Permanency to keep our families intact while in program.
Ocean County Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Coalition
The Ocean County Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Coalition works to ensure that people who experience homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness will have access to community resources to resolve their immediate housing crisis and facilitate transition from homelessness to stability in permanent housing as rapidly as possible
Bright Harbor Healthcare
Counseling, both individual and family, is provided through Bright Harbor Healthcare.
Ocean County PIC
Career, job training, placement services and financial counseling are referred to Ocean County PIC, located at the Ocean County Career Center (TR) in addition to experienced volunteers.
Ocean County Family Success Center
The Agency has partnered with the Ocean County Family Success Center to provide health and nutrition educational workshops.
Ocean Health Initiative
Ocean Health Initiative assists families’ medical needs, screening, prevention services, vaccines, and testing.